Who is the Creator of The Nomad Power System?

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Hank Tharp is the creator of the system. After experiencing the longest and most terrifying blackout in all of America’s history, he decided that it was time to take things into his own hands. This is when he started to conduct a ton of research which eventually brought him to creating his own energy source. He simplified the steps so everyone can build their own miniature power plant and well, here we are.

Overview of The Nomad Power System

The Nomad Power System makes it easy for anyone – yes, I mean anyone to create their own energy source. But before it takes you through the simple steps to doing just that, the creator educates you on everything energy-related… Or at the very least, the important stuff. It also goes into some survivalist and potential threats that may occur but the meat of the program definitely pertains to how energy works and how you can create your own source and live off of it in a vast array of situations.

Advantages of the System

The greatest benefit of having The Nomad Power System is having the ability to survive. This system not only teaches you the easy and affordable steps to creating your own energy source but it also educates you on how to survive off of it. This is worth mentioning because anyone can give you a tutorial to follow but that doesn’t mean that the tutorial is going to teach you how to live off of it. So, big kudos for that!

The program is also surprisingly easy to complete. You don’t need to have any skill or energy awareness. You just need a will to survive and certainly, that’s something we all have.

I also really liked how the program was digital as this allowed me to take it with me to the store to pick up the parts and back home to put everything together. Since I have zero skills in this department, I showed the salesperson the list of items I need and the rest was done for more. Had this program not been in digital form and was a massive book instead, I likely wouldn’t have brought it, would have created my own list and likely wouldn’t have come home with the wrong items.

The 60 Day Money Back Guarantee is also a great feature but once you see that you can have control of your own energy source, there’s no way you’ll be turning back.
Disadvantages of the System

There wasn’t really any disadvantage that I experienced with The Nomad Power System. Perhaps it would be a nice feature to have video tutorials for the program. Some people do prefer to watch videos so it would be a nice addition. Though, there would be a lot of pausing and rewinding to do so it makes sense why the program has stuck to written instructions, pictures and diagrams.

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