Short Circuit Current Calculations for Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical faults

Short Circuit Current Calculations for Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical faults

It is not practical to design a power system which is free from failure. Hence we need to design the system which is capable of withstanding the faults till the fault is cleared by circuit breakers. It is necessary to select the circuit breaker which has the capability to interrupt the worst case fault current. In order to do that we need calculate the worst case fault current. This article talks about the calculations of Short circuit current for various faults (three phase fault, single line to ground fault, Line to Line fault and double line to ground fault) for the given

Case 1: Under No load

Grid: 110 kV, Short circuit current of 40 kA, X/R = 14,

Transformer: 25 MVA, 110/11 kV with %Z of 10, X/R = 20

The fault is created at 11kV bus and the fault impedance considered to be zero (Bolted fault).
The step by step procedure and calculations are made below.

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